2-time Tony award nominee Robin DeJesus as “Jack” with the cast of the 2014 NYMF production of Mother Jones & the Children’s Crusade.

Hi! I’m Cheryl Kemeny composer / lyricist / playwright & Artistic Director of Crystal Theatre, Inc
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Marisa Miller as Mary Jo Saunders in 2014 MJ NYMF production

Mother Jones and the Children’s Crusade

Give in to Hungarian Nights…

Jeno Varga–gypsy violinist featured in Hungarian Nights

Hungarian Nights

Ellis Island

Crystal Theatre Publishing
A large collection of plays for children & young adults
Inspire your audiences and your performers with our tuneful and interesting musicals!
Fully Packaged Musicals
Great for Community Theatre, Public & Private Schools as well as Youth Theatre Groups!MUSICALS
written & co-authored by Cheryl E Kemeny[/wr_text_imgae_block]
Snow Queen

Endorsement Quotes
“Thank you for your truly wonderful script, lyrics and music that make up Ellis Island…The American Dream. The middle school audience at the matinee left singing some of the tunes – a clear indication of how lyrical and memorable your melodies are. ” Lynn Ellingboe, The Blake School, Hopkins, MN
for the latest news and updates on coming productions and new works
Melissa Labbadia as Cleopatra

Greg Kisken as Lucas Bouton in Mariner Pezza & Cheryl Kemeny’s historical musical The Burning of Norwalk, 1779